Music at CBC

Music is a vital element of worship at Central Baptist Church and a way for many in the congregation to share their gifts and connect with one another.

Our services feature a variety of music, without the old “traditional vs. contemporary” divide, and we have long sought out music that reflects our progressive values and theology. In addition to hymns, anthems, worship songs, folk music, and the occasional “secular” song, our repertoire includes original music by congregants past and present, and we have held several songwriting retreats to create new music that expresses our commitment to justice and equality.

We welcome new participants at any time, no auditions required.


The band leads the congregation in song at the beginning of each service. Rehearsals are on Sundays at 9:00 am before the 10:00 am service, and participation can be weekly or occasional.


Virtual Music

“Light of My Soul / Let Your Kingdom Come” – James Craig (CBC member)

“Come and Go with Me” – traditional

The choir sings an anthem in most services, with a break over the summer. Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 7:30 to 9:00 pm, September through May, with warmups at 9:30 am on Sundays.

“We Will Not Stop Singing” – The Chapin Sisters

On Easter and the fourth Sunday of Advent, we are joined by an orchestra comprising musicians from within and outside the congregation, which is also open to new volunteers.

“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (Easter 2023)

When we weren’t having in-person services in 2020–2021, CBC’s musicians remained active and dedicated, recording and producing more than 100 videos for use in virtual worship. We continue to use some of these videos at the beginning of our weekly live streams.

I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” – traditional

“Stained Glass (In the Light)” – Written by CBC band

“How Can I Keep from Singing?”